

Lone wolf
She does her own work,
Uninterested in the parties and frock,
World ages and she goes like a clock,
Cares less and less the social interactions, the gossips too sick.
The interesting topic is her choice, for her hate small talk;
Some rules and priorities on the top, she doesn't back,
Lets the curious mind of hers talk
Discussing the details and analyse like a hard rock.
Emotionless, those emotions inside like a door with sealed hard lock
People dislike her often, say doesn't have the love and she lack.
Heartless and brutal to the mock,
Forgiveness says no to the ungrateful pack.
Lets the society bark and bark,
Doesn't change a little even in the dark.

© RR
#alone #lonelywolf #huntingaloneinthewoods #braveallbyherself #notstoppable #force