

Small hands

You show them to the mirror,
The only things you are proud of:
Your hands,
Small butterflies
Undone but beautiful as imaginations can create,

Oh such queenly magics!
Small statues fetching you memories they can best tale.
Such starry skies that rain deepness!

What powers lie in them ?
Could their art heal your heart?

Beautiful nightmares:
They tale brokenness,
Your core, Light!
Each of their fingers, hauling the pain from your drugged eyes .

Trembling they were when you
Sold them on the idea of having them aid you suicide yourself.,.
"Suicide doesn't stop the pain, it gives it to others".

Scattered the pills on the drowning floor ,
The flow with hurt.,!
Swallowed themselves inside the pages,
Inked you with the truth:
"You were meant for so much more!" ;
Building moonly darks,
Painting the sky with tomorrow.

Gifted smalls,
putting things into perspective for you, Light!
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