

Imagine a world without racism
does it matter the colour of your skin
We are all from certain backgrounds
being different isn't seen as a sin.

Imagine a world without sexism
where females are treated the same
Not being paid the same for doing a job
is such a really shame.

Imagine a world without homophobia
where it doesn't matter who you love
You can walk hand in hand down the street
not needing a blessing from up above.

Imagine a world without pollution
or the fear of a rising climate change
seeing a world without polar ice caps
will just seem so very strange.

Imagine a world without poverty
that would be such a massive call
Where it doesn't matter where you live
there would be money and food for all.

Imagine a world without fighting
where we all live happily as one
Where war can be solved with a civil word
no need for the use of a knife or a gun.

Imagine if this world truly existed
what a wonderful place it would be
If I can find a place something like this
would you ever run away with me?
© Jaycarr1971