

I can't stand you
I can't

stand you


I find it

so funny

You went to get

Married With

the first thing you saw

She's probably

a monster


big mutant claws

Brown quaffed hair

Guilty eyes were your pleasure

Sneaky smile

But I wore it better

Your heart wasn't able

You tossed all your cruel

on the table


The card that you delt

When you lied To my face

Didn't care if I cried

Never the courtesy

To help me dry my eyes

Never grabbed the concept

Of what I thought about you

In my my mind

I stayed Silent

In all the abuse

And by the way My parents

really hated you

We had an expiration date

It was getting stale

And you can go

to hell

your the dog In this small town

Not the wind in my sails

But the garbage that smells

And it find it so funny

That you will Continue To be

A trash heap

Of a man

I can't stand you

© wolfbeclutchin