

the depressed ones
Fear feeds on their doubt
they are insecure and uncertain
hiding behind smiles
with worn out souls
they seem strong
but are weak
they are unable to rest
constantly worrying
about a past they cannot correct
a present they cannot conserve
and a future that they haven't met
but is as uncertain as the questions
laid to rest
they lust after solitude and peace
serenity and calmness
a sense of security that has slowly
faded away
along with their hope and desires
because now the world is in turmoil
a state of complete uncertainty and
in the midst of these are them
those stranded in the midst of a war
without ammunitions

They are restless tired of fighting the
same battles
their mind becoming weaker
time becoming slimmer
their thread of endurance burning
screaming out 'please no more
they need it- their personal peace
they need to breathe fresh air
without fear of losing themselves
this insecurity and doubt
make them crave to the south
for a peace they cannot survive
day by day, their hope withers like
flowers in winter
as well as their stability and sanity
they crave for it -emotional stability
they want their peace!
their smile! their freedom!
the pressure mounting on them
is just too much to bear

'how much longer' they ask
in the midst of Solemn thoughts
for they need their peace
they are in dire need
We are in dire need, to grasp our
personal peace once again
