

She wakes up, filled with memories, that are bittersweet, yet also, feeling somewhat, melancholy, but also excited and bubbly, with adrenaline energy, as she is now, ready to tackle, all that life, has in store, beginning, with her next stage, as she gets up, earlier, than she normally does, from the sound, of her clock radio, knowing, this first stage, will now, be the last, as she readies herself, for this once, in a lifetime, moment, where before, family and friends, along with, those classmates, that she has had, many classes, many lunches, many extracurricular activities with, at school, or trips, on the yellow bus, or with athletic championships, that were one, as she now, takes her final march, of pomp and circumstance, down the red aisle, hearing, for the last time, her heels clicking, with reverberation, over the polished, gym floor, as one by one, until, it gets to her, with her name called, she glides, almost as if, walking on a cloud, across the stage, to where, she accepts, a diploma, to show the world, that she has fulfilled, what her teachers, tried to accomplish, in giving and supporting and nurturing, her mind, her soul, her heart, with what, she might need, to deal with, in the future.

So now, with thunderous applause, from the audience, of those celebrating, throwing her cap, up in the air, with a huge smile, she has now finished, she has now done, the first part, of her education, to now tackle, college, than finding a career, in her field, to go on, even more, to maybe marriage, than kids and one day, sometime, someplace, somewhere, she might return, for a reunion, being a bit older and wiser and be nostalgic, with remembering, her final freedom, from the class, of 1992.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs