

My brother's spirit
Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared...
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids
Now that we were grown ups
I saw a side of you that I never knew
Your silence had turned to being talkative
Your distance traded in for closeness
We were becoming more friends than Brother and sister companionship
But you deceived me through these changes
As I failed to see that which was right in front of me
You were ailing and good at hiding it
You never let your pain be seen
I hugged you and said goodbye
I never thought it will be our last
When you took your last breath
I hope in spirit you felt our love
I hope that love carried you through
Time has blown you away from me like strong winds
I was not ready
I'm still not ready
I believe in time I will let go and accept
But please let my heart hold you for a little longer
I love you for you will always be my brother, my friend

© Baipedi Christina Tebogo Mosebi