


The most important part of everyones life
We do lots of mistake we go through many things
This is the age where we are half matured and half childish
But this is the age we learn many things
We come to know the real world
This is the age where we find the purpose of our life
This is the age where many people destroy their life or create their life
This is the age where many people find love of their life
This is the age where many people go through heart breaks
This is the age where everything matters to us
This is the age which helps us to be independent
This is the age where we learn more from experience rather than books
This is the age where we come across lots of temporary things
But this will be the age where your every decision taken will matter
So choose wisely
Because while looking back to your life we will realise the teenage has gone
And life is remaining with wrong decisions...

© unknown thoughts