

This Lonley chair
Where to go what to do. Its up to ME not YOU, but I don't know what to do... or where to go,. I think ill find a place no one knows . Out of bounds but still at the show. No one goes there but I'd like to share . I'll wait for someone's to show they care, enough to see why I came here, why I'm not all there. Stuck in this chair, lost in my thought, if I dare to explain whats wrong. I'll choke and swallow my tounge. I don't know why I drifted here and there right into this chair, pleasant at first but now its too bare, if only I could find a way to get you to care, I could be myself and follow the hare, but to live and let go is the only way out of this chair. I have to forget why I came here. And remember that the show is over, time to follow the hare. I didn't know what I was looking for, until I found my soul. It was trapped, covered and confused. Chained to the wall and abused. Struggled to set it free until I realized it was me keeping myself chained in the muse... no longer stuck there, in that lonely chair. Free to fly through the air. Don't know where I'm heading or how to get there, but I'll get there. I won't be in that chair. For I have forgotten I was even there.
© joshuagame