


Let's climb the stairway to
the moon. Then sit and view
the beauty of earth's blue
lagoon. The moon will guide
us as we go wander along,
with love beside us to fill the
night with a song

These once, were your pro-
mises to her. The ordinarin-
ess of the now bothers on
perturbing. Don't you wonder
why she lays in with eyes so
wide. She don't believe you
came back with noble minds.

You might as well sleep with
eyes gaping on too.Situation
is never simple once those
additions are here, you made
this Bed, even as laying turns
horror. The stairway to the
moon came crashing down.

The plucky began when you
diluted the tranquil. The earth's
lagoon turned crimson red in
a swift of time. Sowing living
seeds never germinates all
round calm. What once was
bearable becomes downright
repulsive, Its the Bed you made.

Existences are met with pure
irritation, revulsion.The nights
songs were soon turned chants
of betrayal. The sheets you chose
has little sands, might grow to be
living stones.Thorns deep in the
flesh, hers and yours, and then more.

The love by your side has fled in
to the dark hills. Why do you
sleep and hope to dream, laying
in it self Is too much slumber,
the world in there may inhabit
hallows of nightmares.The room
you'll see therein Is no different.

Might open your eyes to cold
stares from the one you once
loved and promised the world
of just the both of you, the Bed
you made shoved all apart. Its
generation stories of life happens.

The tales outlive yours and hers,
Dos and do nots, The wards som-
ehow carry on the walls of segre-
gation.The Bed you made sure
threw everything apart, so the Moon
departed from you, feeding all and
else hatred for centuries.

©Ibadi'aran Omo Akinde

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© Ibadiaran Omo Akinde