

If My Eyes were a Canvas
If My Eyes were a Canvas,
on which I could Draw your Smile.
I'd open them.......late at Dawn.
By Sleeping on, for a While.
If I could see the Clouds,
having the softness of your Embrace.
I'd leap, from the highest Mountain
and try to float, in Space.
If Snowflakes had a Sparkle,
and shone like your Eyes,
I'd be buried in the Snow
and U would hear My Cries.
If I find, a Woolen Muffler
and wrap Me, the way U Do.
I'd mummify My Face and Body.
So I'd be always held by U.

© Savio Fonseca

#Love&love #Love&love💞 #Life&Life #yqwriter #writco #relationships #words #poem #thoughts