

Alone we come in this world 🌍
Alone we go out of it
The restless wandering thoughts
Encircling our surroundings, entrenching ourselves within it.

Alone stands something out of it
Mighty as it is
Everyone afraid to look at it
And never getting out of it

It is said "There Is A First Time For Everything"
So there is a first time for this
Why not you get out of it
And shake hands with him

To be alone with alone is so wonderful
A scenic beauty to the eye
Moving with heart beat rhythm
With unbounded pure joy

The restless thoughts quietened down
And unbounded fears smoothened out
Steading the rhythmic ❤️ beat
With lullaby of love
The lullaby of love
With my Darling Lalitha

This is the feeling to be alone
Why don't you try once on your own
Then you will never disown
Your alone with your own.