

deaf and never accepted.

I was deaf at the age of 4, then 6, then 12, then 18, now 29.

The world will always be cruel.

Bullies will follow you at every age.

Excuses will be a reason for family and friends not to show up.

hence my attitude

I'm not the daughter a mother woukd have wanted because she still makes no effort now.
She is very good at lying.

At a young Age broken promises are easier to accept.

Friends aren't really your friends when you don't like the way they talk.

You make up and become friends but you still don't trust anything they say when they talk about you.

Your just civil for the sake of everyone else.

I have attuide problems and depression, because I sense bullshit from being in a crowded room.

If you don't like me then stop pretending to be my friend.

Be my mother not my advocate because your mouth just makes people feel sorry for me to have you as a mother.

"Why does she speak for you?"

" I always say, I really don't know why.

It's the only way she feels useful because she can't sign like everyone else can.

why doe she think so low of you.

That's why I never take her advice.

If your asking me the world will always be cruel against deaf people.

Your just normal person who has had an easy life you have everything.

I guess having everything is better than having parents.

I didn't have friends because people made fun me because I couldn't hear.
I spoke English but I also signed because that's how i was comfortable.

I sat at table by myself all the way up until high school.

I was never accepted.

The only person that loves me for who i am, is my husband.

That's all I can be grateful for him because he gave me everything.

he gave me love. he respected me when no one else did. He gave me a family.

Not just my kids but his mom and dad love me in ways I could never imagined?
He gave me purpose and faith in myself.
He gave me loyalty and commitment.
He stayed at my worst usually that's a first to me.
He gave me hope ans it's still there.
He gave me my old self back, but it's ok to change were not kids, were adults with kids.
Let me know your opinion on this and if agree to disagree.
I won't judge I just want to hear your stories too.
© melody grace