

I'm Alone.
I'm alone, but that's okay
In solitude, I find my way
No need for company or a crowd
I dance to the beat of my own cloud

Free verse allows my thoughts to flow
No restrictions, just letting go 🌈
Each line, a reflection of my soul
Expressing emotions, making me whole

Any syllables can fill these lines
No rules to follow, no confines
I can whisper softly or shout out loud
In this poetic freedom, I am proud

Persuasive tone, let me convince
That being alone is not a wince
It's a chance to discover who I am
To embrace solitude, like a precious gem

Smileys add a touch of cheer 😄
To this poem, making it clear
That being alone can bring delight
In the stillness, finding inner light

Auto detect the key points, language wise
Expressing emotions, no need to disguise
English, the language that I speak
Allows me to express, to be unique

So, in this free verse, I'll continue to write
Embracing solitude, with all my might
For in being alone, I've come to see
The beauty and strength that lies within me

© Lemongao. W Greg