

I Couldn’t Sleep Last Night
The late night song playing and I’m cruising after just pulling out of your driveway. There’s apart of me that wanted to stay tonight, but the other part knew I had to leave. I could have you in my arms with your leg over me sleeping so comfortably. This feeling ensures me we are one, and it appears we would always be. I love the feel of your touch, your soft skin and smell. It is exactly what keeps me informed that all things are going so well. We made love for the first time and I’m hooked ever since. Never have I ever made love this way. The way you and I connected in body, mind and spirit that night. I felt a rush in my body with just your simple touch. I was aroused in a level I have never gone before, yet I was so calm and so mellow, cheerful and full of joy. Happiness all inside of me without fear or worries at all. You took me to the place I’ve always dreamed of. As I watch many romantic films now, I no longer have that feeling. The feeling of wanted that exact joy or not having the right one by me. As frightening as it may be I am very much pleased with the way things are going with you and with me. I feel I’ve found the one that is truly right for me. The one I long for my entire life. I just hope you feel the same way about me. Last night I couldn’t sleep, but only smile. Always wanting to be with you and the thought of you makes me go wild. Excited, invested, falling for you I am. I know it’s early to truly tell, early to say those words, but I love your laugh, your smile, the way you look at me as I look at you. You could light up a broadway show with your beauty, with the way you look. I think I know what I’m trying to say, but afraid to say so. I couldn’t sleep last night my dear, I couldn’t sleep at all. I just wanted you to know that I already feel like I’m in love. I couldn’t sleep last night my love and I’m already here at home. Here tonight once more missing your every single touch.

© Johnny Cigars