

Enjoy the Process
"you're always in a hurry to get things done" my brother suddenly spoke distracting me from my reverie, he wasn't entirely wrong but it hurt my ego to accept that.
I never really enjoyed anything when I was in a rush, for example, cooking was meant to be done with attention and happiness, one should enjoy the process of cooking but most of the time I was in a hurry to see the food ready.
I sat down thinking of what my brother said and then decided to enjoy the process, read pages, line by line assimilating every word like they were precious, enjoying my work and not just thinking of when you're going to be done, it was hard at times but it's satisfying.
I know there are people out there who act similarly when they start a business or an Instagram account, they think of all the benefits, and they imagine the business blooming or the accounts having a lot of followers and deals, but they forget that the process is hard, you shouldn't be that way when you are that way, you'll get disappointed constantly and easily when you don't see quick results.
Should you be disappointed when you start exercising and yet don't see a fit body in under a week? The answer is no, you have to enjoy the process of getting there no matter how hard it may seem, you should write because you enjoy it, the entire process of racking your brain and formulating words, you should go to school because you enjoy the process of having those classes and early mornings reading hard so you could dive right into a profession when you're done.
Let's try to enjoy the process in everything we do, let's not always be in a rush to see results or to see the end.
© @freya Stone