

Falling in love
Falling in love with you was easy because you did everything to please me.

You made me feel like your love was all I'd ever need. You called me your beauty even with my scars, and I called you my beast because I was the only one who could tame you.

I told you all of my secrets, showed you all my flaws, let you into all the dark places inside my mind and you still stuck around, promising me that you would always hold me down

Falling in love with you was easy, because you needed me the way I needed you.

You were my strength, the glue that held my heart together and I told you I would give you my forever. When times got hard you held me in your arms wiping the tears away, reminding me that you would never go nowhere.

I fell so hard the day I saw you cry and it broke my heart, because I felt your hurt. I knew then how much I loved you, because in that moment I would've ripped out my heart and given you pieces of mine so you would never have to hurt.

Falling in love with you was easy because I saw you and you seen me

We were two broken hearts searching for a place to call home and we found it in each other. You took away all my insecurities, and I took away your pain. Your love was the drug I needed to stay sane

I never imagined I'd find my soulmate who understood all the hurt and all the rage I carried deep inside, but you broke my walls as I did yours; we opened doors and the beauty was all ours

Falling in love with you was easy because you were the beast that showed me all my beauty

© Veronica Stevens