

Keep writing,
Don't stop
I am not going to repeat myself.
If you miss something
"Skip" move on
If you don't understand something
"Skip" move on
If you untip your pen from the paper
Face the wrath of idleness and existentialism
It's almost like writing the narration with a gun pointed at you
One wrong move and you are dead meat.

Keep writing,
Don't stop
I am not going to repeat myself.
Know that the very end of the paper is where I pin you down.
Know that, with every passing moment you are not fighting to stay alive, but holding off your death.
So make space for the words to be written
But make sure that after you are done, the story you write is understandably neat.

Keep writing
Don't stop
I am not "repeating" myself.
You don't understand why you are compelled to write?
You see, you have always been doing this, writing in a straight line,
Curved line, with twists and swirls
Using up words and throwing it wherever you wanted.
But as you get a grip on life , you understand the words you wasted then,will count!
And the grim look on your face says it all.

Keep writing
Don't stop.
Oh! your words almost dried up.
Say goodbye to the alphabets my friend
Say goodbye to the adjectives
Say goodbye to the proper nouns and the verbs you have dealt with.
Say goodbye to the quotes you throw almost as wisely
Say goodbye to the notes you saved for tomorrow,
For you know now you have used it all
To stay alive today.

© DM.