

Within My Grasp
Whispers echoing within my walls
Heard aloud were my silent cries
Yet I question myself?!

Why did it have to arrive here?
A place that holds no stable grounds
Shivering at the slightest of breeze

Indeed, I was in the void that lives within

Thought it seems inevitable
Over time, the void grants me peace
Offered to me for a price that i must pay

Losing whatever hope i had
A bargain of pain that plays within
Take back whatever peace you gave
Entrust me, for my heart bleeds

Take me back to the meadows of love
Oh; how i seek its heavenly shades

Find me a reason to love again
A virtue that shall keep me alive since
Love was a venom that i savour with joy
Loyal to its taste and the tormants of its sins

I need to seek salvation soon
Nevermore did i seek for a boon.

Let me lose myself in vain
Oh dormant ruins of my former pains
Vanity has possessed the remains of 'I'
Engulfing me before i die

© inkdropsofinsanity