

for a long time she hid from the world, and its surroundings, she was afraid of attachments,

some thought she was depressed, derailed or even worse haunted by her bad deeds,

truth is she was just human, neither was she a saint or perfect, along the way she made mistakes, stepped on peoples toes, made some bad decisions, failed herself countless times to add to that people judged her, condemned her, she was subjected to public ridicule, segregated in her community, treated like an outcast...

to them she sinned against God and humanity, there was absolutely nothing she could have done to turn back the hands of time , or even change people's perspectives

but most of all people forgot that even the heavenly father said do not judge for you will not be judged,

years past by, and still no change from the community's behaviour towards her, she tried to right her wrongs, took the initiative to take back her life , did some positive things, she became a changed person,

but in her mind she knew in the eyes of everyone around her , she will always be a sinner

she made peace with it she consoled herself, that before everything else she is human

before being crucified of being a sinner , remember she is only human

_ against all odds she became a warrior

© Nontetho_Mtembu