

My thatched hut
"My thatched hut"
You came in like the autumn winds,
With vibrant and beguiling love, as I thought it would be.
Layer by layer you blew my roof off my small thatched hut
Blowing it across the river,
Scattering it around in mud puddles.
Still the foolish me, wants to breathe in your memories,
On days when I should be productive and working, but remembering you.
The weak walls of my small world are left shattered,
Hoping you would mend it, just like in my dreams.
But is this what gives you your satisfaction?
Leaving me alone on my sleepless nights?
I sit here on this muddy ground, watching my broken small hut,
Collecting grass and sticks for it hopelessly.
With my old cotton quilt covering
I recollect those beautiful days
When everything seemed so perfect.
But in the end, it all came down with an uninformed crash,
When you said "I don't belong here"
I wonder if there's a way to erase
Someone entirely from your memory.
I tried, but failed several times.
So I allow myself to feel your memory, picturing a better version of you.

But now, I have learned
To be strong enough,
To bear this downpour
I'll rebuild my new home,
No, not the same thatched hut
But a home with strong walls and bricks,
Unshaken by wind or rain
For me and my undead hopes
It's no surprise that I still miss you,
But I believe that the road will twist again and bend fates
And mend what's broken.
I won't fear love, my dear
As a new life will arise
Somewhere down the road
For you, I'll send an angel
To watch and guide you
Until the next life
When we meet and come together again
And build our small world
"Our thatched hut"

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