

"In Between Was & Can Be"
My past is alive,
Only if I give it life,
And allow it to effect the present,
Becoming stuck in moment that can't change,
Depleting the deposit of its energy,
Going into the red within my
memory bank,
Separated from reality,
A time traveler,
without a time machine,
Only one way to survive it,
Delete that memory,
Save yourself from yourself,
The past is forever trying
to steal your energy,
It's jealous of the gift,
Filled with hatred against the future,
You exist within them all,
But only in one do you have the power to make choices,
Which is the present,
A forever moment of now,
What was and what could be,
Does not exist,
You are the creator,
When you place your energy at the
focal point of now,
Happiness and love is what will be found!