

Truth Told From Different Angle
Who sees the human face correctly?
The photographer, the mirror, or the painter?
Each offers a unique reflection, in the role as transulator
With a truth told from a different angle.

The photographer captures a moment in time,
A still, precise reflection, with each detail defined,
Yet the lens sees only the surface, not the soul,
A snapshot of the exterior, but not the whole.

The mirror shows a face reversed, a constant daily view,
An image we recognise, yet only partly true,
It reveals our features, familiar and clear,
But not the essence that others hold dear.

The painter, with brush and creative grace,
Sees beyond the physical, to the heart of the face,
Each stroke imbued with emotion and thought,
A portrayal of the spirit, lovingly wrought.

So who sees it correctly? Perhaps none alone,
For each perspective brings a piece of the known,
Combined, they tell a story, both deep and wide,
Of the complex, beautiful human inside!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo