

Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope,
Passion drives our hearts to love
But at times, we have nothing to prove
No grand gestures, no fancy words
Just a simple hope, in our hearts it stirs
We love with nothing more than faith
Trusting that love will find a way
With no promises or guarantees
We hold on to hope, like a gentle breeze
In the face of doubt and fear
Our love may seem small and mere
But it burns with a fiery flame
That no darkness can ever tame
Sometimes we cry, oh how we weep
But our tears are buried deep
For the pain is too much to bear
And we cry with everything, except for tears
Passion is a force to be reckoned with
It can bring us to our highest bliss
But it can also leave us broken and torn
Leaving us with nothing but a heart that's worn
And yet, we continue to love
With all our might, with all our heart
For passion is what makes us alive
Even when it's tearing us apart
So let us love with nothing but hope
And cry with everything, except tears
For passion is the flame that keeps us alive
Through all the joy and all the fears.
© cynfully