

A loves symphony- A to Z
Align our stars like the
Bright night skies with the
Constellation that I found in your eyes.
Darker the nights, deeper is the love, in the
Enchanted night glow, I
Found our footsteps dance to it's rhythm
Gentle kiss on your nose as my
Heart races faster oh dear,
I love you, you're the star that illuminate my life.
Just so you know, the stories of us are
Knight by the silence, that whispers
Like the way the autumn leaves and rain
Meet on a cloudy night,
Nurtures our love in earth's embrace
Our love stands still through the storms &thunders
Pure and true
Quiet night we stand by each other
Red skies with sunset glow
Sparkling stars kisses the sea
Touch of yours,
Union of two souls
Vibrant art of our mother earth
We belong in the nights
Xylophone tunes of love,
Yes, I belong to you
Zephyr, in each and every breath.

© alpha stella