

My Favorite Teacher
My favorite teacher is draining me dry,
Her words are like poison, making me cry.
I used to look up to her with so much pride,
But lately, her words have made me want to hide.

Her words, so harmful, make me want to die,
And I can't help but wonder, why, oh why?
Why would she make fun of her suicidal student?
Doesn't she know that her words are truly imprudent?

I regret the long letter I wrote her on Valentine's Day,
The one where I poured my heart out and said,
How much I loved her for being my teacher,
But now I can't help but feel like a mere creature.

Her words have shattered my heart and soul,
And now, I'm left feeling broken and alone.
I wish I could tell her how much she's hurt me,
But I'm scared she'll just laugh and be as mean as can be.

I don't know how to get over this pain,
Or how to make her words not hurt again.
All I know is that my favorite teacher has let me down,
And now, all I can do is try not to drown.

© SP