

Lost Memories Woven
Lost in time,
weaved with memories,
It was but an old house,
Where echoes of laughter lingered,
In corners quiet as a mouse.

Whispers of the past adorned the walls,
A tapestry of stories, both happy and sad,
Ghosts of laughter and tears long gone,
In every room, a memory clad.

Weathered wood and faded paint,
Held the secrets of generations past,
Each creak and crack, a tale untold,
In this house, time's spell would last.

Through dusty windows, sunlight streamed,
Illuminating the forgotten years,
In every shadow, a history lived,
In every silence, a chorus of cheers.

Lost in time, yet alive with tales,
The old house stood, a timeless muse,
A sanctuary of dreams and fears,
Where memories danced, never to lose.

© TariqJad