

"I am fine"
Yes my day was great
I am fine
It's a Good evening
I am fine
If F stands for fearless but still get wrecked by the thought of tomorrow
If I means impecunious because thats what I have been..I am not complaining and I am not materialistic but its true
And if N is for not ready to tell you the details of my day because it was too mundane for your exciting life or insignificant so much so,  there's nothing to tell
And E is for End because today ended before it began. I was constantly waiting for dark and the hours were folded in so many repeats I never thought there was ever going to be a shooting star

I am greatful for today
I really am
It brought to perspective how lifeless my life is
I struggled to breath
I was drowning under the weight of expectation
I couldn't see anything beyond the haze of missed opportunities and broken dreams
I couldn't tell the difference between the me yesterday and tomorrow because all I saw was fading realities and light constantly illuminated towards an unwritten eulogy

Today I spread my wings to fly
I went up high and like Icarus my zeal melted under the heat of the sun
Now I nurse broken dreams and scrapped hopes
My knuckles are broken from the doors I knocked on just to see them slum moments later
I cling to love as if it will comfort my bones back together
And so I guess I really am fine
I am fine if the definition of fine is like for weathered rocks,  these decompose to make the best soils
Ms. Kuria

© Ms.Kuria..