

Failure means to fail in file,
it doesn't mean to fail in life.
Have you ever thought why some people are great?
They are,because they have switch of break.

Does you know when we all fail?
We fail when we look our own dirty tail.
If you are thinking that it is very bad to walk like snail,
then congratulations!you failed again.

Failure is a word which pressurise you to think about Lord,
but remember it is a word just like fraud.
If you fail what does you think first?
You think that,what will happen if my father ask me for refund.

Now from today stop thinking about failure,
Start thinking beyond the word failure.

Thank you!

Meaning of some words:-
1. Switch of break-Take time to think.
2. Dirty tail-Mistakes done in past.
3. Walk like snail-Thinking very slow
4. Ask for refund-Asking for money
which others spend on you to make you a perfect person.

© Anand Dwivedi