

May be the war is over now
I found my answers and you found your's somehow

Maybe we both accepted the reality
That we won't end up together
And maybe it's a battle i have to fight forever

Or maybe i am just a tad bit more brave then you
Atleast i dared to ask questions about things you do
And you know what, i remember every details you told
In fact i remember it so well that i wrote everything about it in my first book i sold

You have nothing to talk about except small talks
And i had always carried a baggage full of knoughts
Knoughts of the world i never got to speek
I thought you were the person who would listen and keep

I guess you will never have the courage to keep me
But i wish you get along with someone to whom you label the words such as US and WEE
I wish you communicate with her spill your heart out
Take her on a long walks to which i dreamed about
© MayAp