

When summer time
Let me step into the warmth of your arms,
Let me bask in the sunshine of your smile,
Let me hold you a moment longer, mother mine...

Every summer I rejoice
For I am glad to travel to the island,

Where my favorite is to walk on the sand And observe the beach,

I love to meditate as I walk barefoot and Count the traces I tread,

The cold breeze that greeted me as I held My sun glasses,

Looking at the blue ocean and the moving Waves,

Right in time the sky is also blue and the Clouds are so beautiful to look at,

Very fun to watch most of them swimming And others sharing food and singing,

Every summer is the best time for me the Adventure is so relaxing I feel,

One of my life adventures is walking and Sighing and breathing,

While we are still strong let us benefit Ourselves to be rewarded despite our Quest for life.

© Nhelz decoronel Bautista