

Reality, the tyrant.
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
The pictures of our life we envision
The beautiful painting of a bright tomorrow
The thoughts of a fulfilled tomorrow
Are yet suddenly brought to test by reality.

Reality hitting hard on us
Shattering our thoughts of a happy ending
Tainting the beautiful painting
Leaving dents on our perfect scenery
Stealing away the joy we had from the imagination.
Oh why reality?
Why take from us our most perfect handwork
Why replace our fantasy with the hard truth
Forcing the bitterness down our throats.

Frustration setting in,
The zeal to push on slowly dies
The hope we had suddenly lost right in reality
Many giving up
Taking their hands off and leaving Reality in charge.
Oh why reality?
Why handle mortal men with Cruelty
Why lead with an iron hand
Piercing deep even our souls with it.

The fools are worse hit
Their numerous complaints further breaking them
Their reality looking even worse than their foggy landscape
Leaving them no escape route
locking them deep in the prison of their feeble minds
Oh why reality?
Why gamble with the feeble minded
Why leave them no chance to bounce back

Humans weak and powerless in front of you
with little or no defense against you
making them more vulnerable
giving you an upper hand
never awarding to them the gift of freedom
Oh why reality
How great a tyrant you are
How long do you intend to trample on man's integrity.
How long must you dribble man with your feet.

As papers are tossed in a whirlwind
as heavy metals are rowed and carried by the tides
so have you tossed man
from good to bad
and only a few times from bad to good.
Your intervention most time breaks the heart of even the strongest
Oh why reality
Why play man like cards
why are you a master that leaves no room for your students rising.

© Greyce