

Life Is A Book
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey.

From the first chapter, innocence and wonder,
Exploring the world, as a curious ponderer.
Every corner, a chance for discovery,
Unveiling the secrets of life's tapestry.

Through the chapters of youth, filled with dreams,
Chasing ambitions, with hopeful gleams.
Each page turned, a lesson learned,
As life's twists and turns, I discerned.

In the chapters of love, emotions unfold,
Stories of heartache and love untold.
Every nook, a chance for connection,
Finding solace in moments of affection.

The chapters of growth, a path of transformation,
Learning from mistakes, seeking liberation.
Every corner, an opportunity to evolve,
To find my purpose, to truly resolve.

As the book of life continues to unfold,
New chapters written, stories yet untold.
With each page turned, I embrace the unknown,
Embracing the journey, as I've always known.

My life, an open book, with chapters to explore,
Filled with memories, both rich and pure.
Every nook and corner, a tale to be told,
In this grand journey, my heart unfolds.

So I'll keep turning the pages, with hope and grace,
Embracing the challenges, as I find my place.
For in this open book, my story will be,
A testament to the person I've come to be.

© D.mia