

ABCD Rythm mastered
Now you have mastered the ABCD's,
You can Rhym it with heart and eyes closed..
You can spell your names,
Hold a pencil perfectly to craft it down.
You can draw a colorful canvas of yourself,
Label your body parts.
Draw your family tree...

Honestly, i never thought you will master all that within a blink of an eye.
But here you are, my angel..
Rocking the graduation gown of achievement.
Holding a certificate of your capacities.
As a sign that you are a star,
Matured enough to move to the next grade.

I can't stop smilling,my heart filled with joy,
To see you on stage, performing all that you have learned.
Interacting and socialising with other kids,
Ooh, gosh... It all feels like a dream,
Bucause just yesterday you were a seed.
A kernel i planted, and waiting for its harvest.
But your teachers, speed up your growing process,
Their daily watering made you bloom into a bright STAR.
I can't be so proud of you enough!

You have shown me that you are indeed smart,
And im sure this is the 1st step to your greater success.
Bid ferwel to grade R with confidance..
As you are ready to face the beginning of intermediate phase.

May you keep on being dedicated to your books...
And never forget to write and seal your homeworks.
May you listern attentively and follow your teachers instructions,
Keep on playing with Alphaberts to make more meaning and complicated rhyms.
Keep on singing the nursary songs ,
That how you will learn more.

Happy graduation day Akani
Grade ONE is waiting for you with its door wide open for you to enter.
Enter with confidence and nail it.
I believe in you and your future seccess.

© Chavani Ripfumelo Constacia