

A thousand words to describe a rose,
A symbol of beauty, love, and prose,
But this rose embodies much more,
A person's essence, a soul to adore.

This rose, represents one,
A unique being, unlike anyone,
A person rare, a person true,
One of a kind, unique view.

Its petals soft, its colors bold,
A sight to see, a sight to hold,
But beyond the surface, beneath the skin,
Lies a story, a journey within.

The rose's thorns represent pain,
The struggles endured, the hardships gained,
And just like the rose, this person too,
Has faced challenges, but blossomed anew.

For just as the rose stands apart,
So too does this person's heart,
With depths unknown, with mysteries untold,
A sight to see, a sight to behold.

Like the rose, this person's beauty lies,
In the way they bloom, in the way they rise,
Above the thorns, above the fray,
A light that shines, day after day.

Their unique qualities, like the rose's scent,
Are a fragrance of life, a breath well spent,
A reminder that we all have our place,
In this garden of life, in this human race.

And though this rose may wilt and fade,
Its memory and essence will never evade,
Just as this person leaves their mark,
So too does this rose, in the garden's arc.

For the rose's beauty, it transcends time,
Its message is clear, it's legacy sublime,
A symbol of love, strength, hope,
A reminder of life's journey, of how to cope.

And so we honor this person truly,
With this rose, a symbol of all they do,
A reminder of their unique grace,
A reminder of their special place.

For in this garden, we all belong,
Each of us with our unique song,
And like the rose, we too can bloom,
And overcome, and rise from the gloom.

So let this rose be a symbol of hope,
This a reminder that we all have the scope,
To be our true selves, to live our truth,
To be unique, to be uncouth.

For it is in our differences, our flaws,
That we find beauty, that we find the cause,
To live this life with all its strife,
And to find joy, in every single life.

© shesprettyvillain