

The pumper
" The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked"
And the love, And the hatred,
And the strife is so overrated,
And the grudges, And the forgiveness,
And the punches be it's weakness,
And the evil, And the good,
Not civil uncontrollable mood,
And the envy, And the jealousy,
Especially when after the Hennessy,
And the mercy, And the inconsideration,
And the peace, And the loads of intentions, And the lies, And the mockery, And the sexual immorality, And the foolishness, And the trouble,
And the sword, piercing a neighbor,
And the anger, And the poverty,

The heart a breathing so selfish,
but goodness does come from it,
kindness runs all over it but
the heart is a chameleon,
travelling worldwide,
And the wishes, And the hopes,

© ©MT-Penda