

The Hell-hole 13th cell (Introduction)
A cell where innocents suffered, 

Or the hell where they were tortured 

Where even taking breath peacefully was a big crime,

For freedom, the yearned and cried

Let's hark back to the history,

To solve that dark mystery 

Of a buried truth

Which was kept hidden by the people without Ruth,

So that no one knows the sooth 

A riddle is still remaining unsolved,

Of a story of real warriors who struggled 

Tale of a man's life, which was clouded by

 the government 

Is still remaining unheard 

Don't wanna know?...


This poem is on the untold true stories of  a person who struggled and fought for humanity, for us. And in return the politicians made him go to jail so that they can prove him wrong.
In my further poems you'll find more information about the untold stories of Bankipur Central Jail at the time of India's newly got independence, which was later kept hidden by Indian politicians.

To know further, as always 
Stay Connected!

-Poetess Yuktika-

© yuktika_sarkar