

undivided guess
it is a good day the Sun is up why does darkness follows me.... I do not know why just like the authorities do not know where you are at....

so many questions so little time

you could be in the back of my pickup truck... on your way to a one way trip to the graveyard.....

or somewhere else does not matter on a full tank of gas we can travel anywhere my dear friend.....

I was so delighted you stop by and break down my door and rob me blind....

I forgot to mention to tell you to smile that is why we are here and you are my guest and my prisoner....

where would you like to go the choices are endless.....

why do you look so down it's not the end of the world yet at least not for me

I think it's time for you to go here's your stop freely charged

I almost forgot my manners tell the devil I said hi

hahaha jolly good show excellent