

have to..
stay strong you have to be..
even the fact I always knew..
we weren't meant to be..
as I'm leaving I'm letting you have...
the precious memories that we have made..
I don't mean to hurt you while i was staying..
although I know it's hard to forget..
but i know it's better to stay that way not being in regret..
I don't meant you to be my target..
it's all about the compassion I always felt..
I'll always keep you as my loving memory..
a part of cherish a part of glory...
I was real and I'll always be..
it's about the fact I know I'm not deserving your heart..
although I never wanted to be fall apart..
I always dreamt of having a small sweet family..
but dreams don't comes to you so easily..
I felt I was a burden to your single soul..
I never wanted to act cold..
towards the person I'll always admire..
it's the thing pressured me to the depth till I don't have any desire..
I fall out of my circumstances..
they made me believe..
in living life I don't have any other chances..
I wish you well.. and I'll always will
if you could find me in another life..
hope I'll be yours... Hope that I will..

© addey-