

A silent love
In echoes soft where shadows play,
A love undone, night turns to day,
Their journey ends, a tale reversed,
In time's embrace, fate interspersed.

Two hearts once bound by destiny's thread,
Retrace the steps where they once led,
A final kiss turns into none,
Their story fades, undone, unspun.

Beneath a sky, now turning cold,
A ring returns, a tale retold,
Promises break, their whispers cease,
Moments rewind, return to peace.

A wedding feast, now cleared away,
Their vows unspoken, night turns day,
A dance reversed, no steps to share,
Back to the point they did not care.

The paths diverge, from love to none,
Their lives apart, their story done,
Two souls retreat, the past unwinds,
A silent ending, love unbinds.

In echoes soft where shadows play,
Their love undone, night turns to day,
In silent streets where once they met,
Two strangers part, without regret...