

Whispers of nature
In the flush of the dusk,
My eyes adjust to the dim twilight,
of the magical scarlet sky,
In the canvas grey clouds.
The stars and the moon illuminate
light in my weary soul,
And my worries fed.

With unshaken pride,
Still waters pass on solid rock,
like an harbor of strength and a gift
to overcome all storms,
the water fall whispers.
In the thick woods she feeds her inhabitants,
And and bank of wild roses blossoms.
Im lost in calmness and imaginations,
Which became great ideas in my mind.

plants rustle with health,
and the tree-top dew drops,
into a flawless gem at dawn,
The tweeting birds voice swell,
into a tremolous melody,
whispering promises of a beautiful day.

There is freedom
in allowing the ewe striking blue seas
take my mind away in alure.
And after watching the untroubled
oceanic waves,
I understand that they are the ocean
and so I'm I.

© Purity Ndinda