

The Unluckiest Girl

She wakes with sorrow, and sleeps with pain,
Her life a canvas, of endless rain.
Each step she takes, leads to more strife,
The unluckiest girl, living a troubled life.

Her heart beats slow, with a mournful sigh,
As fortune flees, and misfortune replies.
She tries to smile, but tears won't dry,
Her luck's gone dry, and she can't deny.

She searches high, for a glimmer of hope,
But finds despair, in every scope.
Her stars hide low, behind gray skies,
Good fortune passes, with closed eyes.

She falls, she fails, she faces defeat,
The unluckiest girl, with no retreat.
Her life's a struggle, a constant fight,
With no escape, from the dark of night.

She walks alone, through crowded streets,
A solitary figure, with weary feet.
Her eyes cast down, with a hopeless gaze,
A reflection of, her troubled days.

Her voice is whisper, her soul is worn,
Her luck's run out, and she's forlorn.
She's lost her way, in a world so cold,
The unluckiest girl, with a story untold.

Yet still she rises, with a heavy heart,
And faces forward, a brand new start.
For even in darkness, a glimmer shines,
A chance for change, a new design.

Perhaps someday, her luck will turn,
And fortune's smile, will her heart learn.
Until then, she'll hold on to hope,
And never give up, her scope.

But until that day, she'll face the test,
And prove her strength, and do her best.
For even the unluckiest girl, can find,
A way to rise, and leave her luck behind.