


© Albert Boima
How worthless is he who paves violence;
Is not he who bewilders the land of peace?
With his thought, moulding it to corrupt the people
In his interest of satisfying himself
Mischievous to the innocent ones of the land.

But I tell you: violence spells complete anarchy!
Of that land, will there be underdevelopment, inefficiency and unaccountability;
Bad reputations altogether.
It steals the land of peace and love for another.

O but if we in this could change our forceful acts
And be submissive to the norms of the land,
Shadowy we in the ink of compassion.
I beseech you the people of my land
To watch and set your minds of violence
For the growth of our land.

Let us not march with the shoe of violence
Rather with the shoe of love and equanimity, I pray.
Worthless is he who paves violence, and,
Worthy is he who resists it, indeed,
Choose: worthy or worthless are you?