

Sad part of our life .
Cold winds are passing through my heart,
It's turning into ice
it's inside
you can't see it through your eyes,

Heart is made up of glass
having just a little crack can destroy it whole
such a choas,

You say you understand but how when you have never relates to it,

Falling in love without even knowing it tell me how do you even deal with it?

The one who have hunger don't have food, the one who have food don't have hunger. Such a tragedy.

Does it is how it will end?
Do God just imagine it like that ?
Everything which I was taught is different from what I have observ, People like good looks more than good thoughts, Money is more important for everything.

We use to get a lesson before test in school but life takes a test than give's you a lesson.

© Priya Rawat
© sparkling light