

Staving heart, sits in a cage
Brittle bones, I tried to strengthen
Liquid heart, melting apart
Breaks without question
The blood flow restarts
I tried to breathe
I felt compressed
In love I see
It's heavy on my chest
As my heart sits in a ribcage
With all these feelings
I want to take it out
Just to give it a hug

Hidden heart, tried to hide
Behind the cage
Little heart, you know your limit
Behind the cage
You must stay, you know your crying
Emotional cages
I tried to express
I know I'm free so what's stopping me
My heart is a mess
I learned more and more
Opening the cage but not the door
Keep it in
Busted heart, you knew what you did
Keep it in
I broke a rib
Is this the life, I want to live?
© Vivid e_blue