

Opposing and True
In shadows deep, where light does fade,
A tale of two emotions, both portrayed,
Two souls intertwined, opposing and true,
In this poetic union, a complete experience brews.

First, a raging storm, tempest's wrath,
Fury's flame, burning a chosen path,
Anger roars, igniting fires bright,
Destruction's dance, a tempestuous night.

Yet in the midst, a gentle whisper's tune,
A melody of love, a softness strewn,
A tender touch, a gentle embrace,
Love's gentle grace, a soothing trace.

The storm's fury clashes with love's embrace,
A juxtaposition of fire and solace in space,
For within the storm's chaos, passion thrives,
And from love's tenderness, strength derives.

The tempest's rage, a tempestuous flight,
Yet beneath the surface, love's pure light,
A complex symphony, emotions entwined,
Creating a tapestry, intricate and refined.

Together they meld, an intricate dance,
Creating a mosaic of life's circumstance,
For in embracing both, the whole is found,
A complete experience, both sight and sound.

So let us embrace the storm's thunderous roar,
For love's solace soothes, forevermore,
In this dance of opposites, a truth unfolds,
A complete experience, a story untold.
© Avinash David