On The Line
I’m in to deep
The hook in your smile
Reeling me in
Longing to be landed
On your deck in a heap
Ripped from the darkness
Of my depths
Spiraling towards your azure sky
A million little deaths
Chasing your cries
Striking at your allure
Your Grace
I Cannot endure
Pull me from the only thing I’ve ever known
Breaching the surface
need to be shown
I’m at...
The hook in your smile
Reeling me in
Longing to be landed
On your deck in a heap
Ripped from the darkness
Of my depths
Spiraling towards your azure sky
A million little deaths
Chasing your cries
Striking at your allure
Your Grace
I Cannot endure
Pull me from the only thing I’ve ever known
Breaching the surface
need to be shown
I’m at...