

And then it happened
The clock struck midnight
My beautiful dress
Turned back to shreds
Carriage to pumpkin,
Mascara running down my eyelids

And it always happens
When no one can ever see me
And people begin to leave me
And maybe this is another form
Of grieving
Because my pillow always knows
How this routine goes at midnight
How I try to go to sleep
But I can't tonight

Yes I always cry
And im afraid to admit it
But I honestly want to die
And you could be my witness

This time,
Maybe I'll achieve it
Before the clock hits nine

Maybe I'll over think
Till it's 4am
Then go to sleep just so I
Can do it all over again

Can you stay with me? Till midnight
I don't think I'll make it past 5 pm
The anticipation of midnight
Is honestly hell

This isn't a lie
Why does 12 o'clock
Have to fuck with me
When all I want to do
Is get some sleep