

the speech of Hope from Lord lovel
sorry for this interruption

I know people are busy
or just relaxing....

or playing your old fashioned video games....

depression the struggle and hard work I know life is not easy as you can tell...

everybody has walked on that road before

the people want the plane about the money and greed and other little issues

that is very ironic

the Black Death cousin is coming to visit

and he sticking live in the snap of a finger just to leave his mark we have no idea where it came from unknown

some people say Canton China some people say it came from the government secret labs who knows

last year was the worst year in history

people shooting up the place and different countries and different cities
the news and the media wants to make particles they know nothing about
you have no idea what's going through those people's heads we don't know why they did it you can't not read minds
maybe they did it cuz the hell of it maybe it was going through something we do not know why they killed so many people last year or the year after that.. it goes on and on in history

it's something wrong with this country this city this world.....

and nobody wants to talk about it why cuz you're scared what the hell are you protesting for if you're not going to speak the truth...

I know many people died for speaking truth just like Martin Luther King Malcolm X list goes on and on in history
people hate when they see who Glory

that's why I wear a mask to hide my face of Shame

people get government assistance

just for acting

but some people are really f***** up
just read the history

I'm writing this I cannot read or spell

but I'm trying but some people cannot try I respect that

if you got the talent in the know-how and the Widow do it you can do anything

don't pick up a gun pick up a paintbrush
or a microphone or a pencil you get the picture

how many pictures do I have to paint for you you just understand

if you want peace prove it

before you help somebody out help yourself out

only thing in this f****** world people looking for handouts....

I understand you can't do it all time for some people need to help yourself if they want to make it to the top

but some people don't want to try why so many dead people in this world

that is why so many young people give up and end up in the streets
or old
damn welcome to the world

why would you give up your children
and not tried to raise them

why when you have sex and make something then kill it

damn welcome to the world somebody needs to fix it

Yours Truly lord lovel .....

if you don't like it shove it don't follow me no more

or like

I'm going to have so many targets for this one let them come