

Inner child
my inner child.
he lives in me
as a default
when things go wrong

but i can't anymore
so why fight it?
I want to change.
but it still tells me no.


I wanna speak to it now:

It's over. its been that way for a while
You can't fight everything.
gotta take the high road.

I know. It's not fun.
But so isn't not having money
and not having stability.

We lost the ones we loved because I listened to you.
And it's gotten be fired.
Also in a lot of trouble.

Well, fuck that.

Well, you not the boss. I am.
You are not my future. I am
You did not make mistakes, I did
You are just a mindset.

I fact, you're just an excuse.
time to move on.
Will you die? no.

I am here.
Not going away.
And that's all that matters